Arch Culvert- These types of culverts are similar to pipe arch culverts, but an artificial floor is created beneath the arch in this case. It is commonly utilized in tight passageways. The artificial floor is constructed of concrete, as is the arch, which is also built of concrete. Steel arch culverts are also available, although they are rather costly.
Box Culvert – Box culverts are rectangular in form and are often made of concrete. The building of a box culvert also includes reinforcement. These are used to get rid of rainwater. As a result, they are ineffective during the dry season. They can also be utilized as passageways for animals, etc., to cross the rail or roadway during dry seasons. Because of the steep edges, they are not appropriate for higher speeds. Box culverts are also available in a variety of sizes.
Bridge Culvert – Bridge culverts are supplied on canals or rivers and are also utilized as automobile road bridges. A foundation is built beneath the ground surface for these culverts. A sequence of culverts is laid, and then a pavement surface is built on top of the culverts. These are often rectangular-shaped culverts that can be used in place of box culverts if an artificial floor is not required.
Pipe Arch Culvert –The term “pipe arch culverts” signifies nothing, although they appear to be half-circle shaped culverts. Pipe arch culverts can handle higher water flows, but the flow must be steady. Fish or sewage in the drainage are readily transported to the exit due to the arch form, as there is no stocking at the entrance or bottom of the channel. This sort of culvert may also be supplied in a variety of sizes depending on the need. They also contribute to a lovely look.
Pipe Culvert – These types of culverts are rounded culverts that are extensively utilized. Culverts can be solitary or numerous. When using a single pipe culvert, a bigger diameter culvert is erected. If the channel width is larger, we will use numerous pipe culverts. They are well suited to bigger flows. Pipe culverts have diameters ranging from 1 meter to 6 meters. These are built from concrete, steel, and other materials.
A culvert can be built from a pipe, reinforced concrete, or other material that is surrounded by soil, and the material used is determined by:
The structure's strength.
Hydraulic efficiency.
For installation, use local construction practices.
Cost and durability.
The following are the primary materials used in the construction of culverts:
- Aluminum pipe
- Concrete
- Steel
- High-density polyethylene.