structural members

Structural Members of a Building

A structural members of a building is any load-supporting component of a structure, such as beams or walls, or any non-load-supporting component.


Purlins – Horizontal roof frame members that support the weight of the roof and external loads (such as wind loads and live loads).Roof TrussRoof Truss –It consists of components assembled into a series of triangles that receives the load from the roof purlins. See Types of Roof Truss.GirderGirder -The main horizontal structural component of the frame system, which usually spans between columns. All girders are beams but not all beams are considered as girders.Structural Members: BeamBeam – A horizontal structural member of a structure that resists vertical and lateral loads. See Types of Beam  and  Types of Failures in Concrete Beam.

Structural Members: ColumnColumn – The vertical support members of the structure are used to  bear the weight of the upper structure and transfer to the structure below.

Structural Members: FootingFooting – Part of the foundation system of the structure that transfer the loads from the column to the soil. Types of Footing.

SlabSlab – A concrete slab is a common structural element shown in modern structures that consists of a flat, horizontal surface composed of cast concrete. Steel-reinforced slabs are commonly utilized to build floors and ceilings, while thinner mud slabs can be used for external pavement. See Types Of Slab.