Parts of roadway: Carriage way or pavementCarriage way or pavement– These parts of the roadway refer to the unrestricted traffic-moving section of the road that is paved. Traffic lanes determine the width of the road or pavement. The number of lines depends on the kind of route, the value of the service, and the intensity of traffic.

Parts of roadway: ShoulderShoulder– It’s an emergency stopping lane on the side of a road or highway, on the right side in countries where people drive on the right side, and on the left side in countries where people drive on the left side of the road.

Parts of roadway: Guard RailsGuard Rails-They are located near the shoulder’s edge. To prevent cars from riding off the road, they are used as a border feature. Roadside, especially on bends, affixed.

Parts of roadway: side walkSide walk-They provide pedestrians with exclusive right of way, particularly in metropolitan areas. They are given for pedestrian safety.

Parts of roadway: Road way or formation widthRoad way or formation width-These parts of the roadway are a combination of the carriage way and the shoulder.

Camber or cross slopeCamber or cross slope- The curvature provided to the surface of the carriage way. When the center of the carriage way is slightly raised above its edges on straight portion of the road.

KerbsKerbs-It is dividing line between carriage way and foot path. They provide strength to the side of road pavements. They aide car drivers in driving safely.

MediansMedians- It is the reserved area that separates opposing lanes of traffic on divided roadways (i.e., divided highways, dual carriageways, freeways, and motorways).

Road marginsRoad margins-It is the small portion of the road provided after shoulder.

Right of way ( ROW)Right of way ( ROW)– Whole length of the road is the right of way. It is the combination of carriage way, shoulder, margin, and other components of the road.